This area contains links to the three required eLearning courses that all caseworkers using NEICE must complete before using the NEICE system.

  1. NEICE Overview Course (About 20 min)
  2. NEICE Security Course (About 10 min)
  3. NEICE Caseworker Course (About 45 min) 

IMPORTANT: At the end of each course, you need to complete the Form to receive your Certificate of Completion. You need three certificates to be fully trained in NEICE 2.0. 

Please refer to NEICE Training: Three Steps to Take Before Using the NEICE System for all recommended training resources.

When you're ready to practice, you can download this "Practice Guide" which summarizes the steps caseworkers need to know in NEICE. You only need to focus on the items marked with an asterisk in the Table of Contents.

Remember, you will receive a copy of your link to the test environment from your state administrator and if you have trouble logging in, the fastest way to get access is to contact them for help. This will also be true after we go live in early July.