This job aid describes activities performed by the Assignment Coordinator within a Local or Central Office agency. This is an optional role which states can choose to use if helpful to them.

Each ICPC Central Office and each Local Office can have one or more users assigned the role of “Assignment Coordinator”. They can either be an ICPC Coordinator at the ICPC Central Office or a Caseworker at the Local/County agency. 

The assignment coordinator sub-role is indicated in the user's Account Profile.  They can access the assignment coordinator functions when they are logged in.  Assignment Coordinators must log in using their primary role of Caseworker or ICPC Coordinator which enables them to perform their assignment tasks.

At the ICPC Central Office, the ICPC Assignment Coordinator can:

  • Assign cases to a specific ICPC Coordinator who becomes responsible for the case.

  • Add agencies from that state to the case.

  • Add a View Only user to a specific case.

At the local (or county/parish) office, a Caseworker Assignment Coordinator can:.

  • Assign a case to a specific Caseworker who becomes responsible for the case.

How to assign a case to a responsible staff person

  1. Search for the case (under Case Search)

  2. Select a case and click on the case ID

  3. Select the Access tab

  4. The person listed in the box is the staff person responsible for the case.

  5. Click on Edit to change the staff person who is responsible for the case

  6. Select the staff person who will be responsible for the case  from the dropdown list

  7. Select Save 

How to provide agency access to cases

NOTE: Only an ICPC Assignment Coordinator can add an agency to a case. 

From the Access tab, the ICPC Assignment Coordinator can:

  • Add an Agency to the case and specify the role of that Agency in that case


How to Add an Agency to a Case

  1. Select Case

  2. Select the Access tab

  3. Select the Add+ button

  4. Select Agency Role

  5. Select Agency

  6. Select User(s) Optional

  7. Select Save

Assign Case to Responsible Staff  – ICPC Coordinator + Assignment Coordinator

  1. Select Case

  2. Select the Access tab

  3. Select ICPC Coordinator edit icon

  4. Select ICPC Coordinator from the Central Office

  5. Select User(s)

  6. Select Save

For Caseworkers only 

Assign Case to Responsible Staff  – Caseworker + Assignment Coordinator

  1. Select Case

  2. Select the Access tab

  3. Select Caseworker edit icon

  4. Select Caseworker from the Local Office

  5. Select User(s)

  6. Select Save

How to Add a View Only User

The State Administrator must create the View Only User and the Agency for that user BEORE that user can be given access to a specific case. The Assignment Coordinator may give View-Only Users access to additional cases individually as needed.

  1. Select Case

  2. Select the Access tab

  3. Select Role View Only

  4. Select Agency

  5. Select User

  6. Select Save