Summary: This report provides a list of Children whose age exceeds the state’s age of majority as of the current date.


Who can run this Report? 
 ICPC Coordinator and State Admin


Practice Application: This report may help with caseload management to help identify cases for closure and determine when a child is still eligible for Title IV-E funding.


User Input: User is required to select 

  • Case Type
    1. Sent To – The report provides the list of cases where the Transmittal is Sent to the state specified
    2. Received From – The report provides the list of cases where the Transmittal is received from the state specified
  • State – User shall provide the state name 

Counts Only

Complete list

Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated


Report Functions:

  • Users is navigated to case when clicked on the NEICE ID.
  • The report can be exported to a PDF file or an Excel file. 
  • The report can be printed.


Report Calculations:

  • The Age of majority is taken for the logged in user state as defined under each state respectively.
  • Report provides all the children (Title IVE eligibility is No or Pending) and the age of majority is greater than or equal to the age of majority of the logged in user state as of current date. 
  • Report provides all the children (Title IVE eligibility is Yes) and the age of majority is greater than or equal to 26 years as of current date. 

Output Structure of the Report


The report displays the total list of cases for which the transmittal was “Sent to” or “Received From” the state specified and those created prior to the date specified but have no Transmittals after that date along with associated NEICE ID, Child ID, Date of Birth, Age,  Case Status, Title IV-E Eligibility