SummaryThis report provides a list of cases where a state is in violation based on a specified date range and role of either sending or receiving state in a case that the logged in user's state is a participant.


Who can run this Report? 
ICPC Coordinator and State Admin


Practice Application: This report may help identify areas a state may need additional training, supervision, or support.


User Input: User is required to select 

  • Date Range – “Date From” and “Date To”
  • Case Type
    1. Sending – The report provides the list of cases that have been terminated during the Specified Date Range where the logged in user state is the Sending state of the case. 
    2. Receiving – The report provides the list of cases that have been terminated during the Specified Date Range where the logged in user state is the Receiving state of the case. 
  • Report Output Format
    1. Counts Only – The report provides only the counts.
    2. List - The report provides the complete list.


Graphical user interface, application 
Description automatically generated


Report Functions:

  • User is navigated to the case when clicked on the NEICE ID.
  • The report can be exported to a PDF file or an Excel file. 
  • The report can be printed.


Report Calculations:


  • This report identifies cases where sending state A placed receiving state B in violation or vice versa.
  • The report lists all cases that are in violation based on the Date Range specified by the user as input. The data is extracted from the information entered in the Case Details page of the case as shown in the screenshot below.


Graphical user interface, text, application, email 
Description automatically generated 


Output Structure of the Report

The report displays the total list of cases where either state is in Violation within the specified Date Range along with the associated NEICE ID, State of Violation, Violation Type, Violation Start Date, Violation End Date


Graphical user interface, text, application 
Description automatically generated