Summary: This report provides the total number of children placed for the Month and Year selected or the Date Range selected for the logged in user state.


Who can run this Report?
 ICPC Coordinator and State Admin


Practice Application: This report is used by states to submit monthly data to the AAICPC. 


User Input: User is required to select 

  • Date Range – Date from and Date To (Mandatory) or 

Year and Month (Mandatory)

  • State – This is defaulted to the logged in state of the user



Report Functions:

  • The report can be exported to a PDF file or an Excel file. 
  • The report can be printed.


Report Calculations:


  1. Home Studies Request In - The number of Regulations 1, 2, and 7 Home Studies received during the month.
  2. Home Studies Request Out- The number of Regulations 1, 2, and 7 Home Studies sent during the month.
  3. Placements In - This is calculated based on the Placement Made On date entered by the user on the case details screen during the month for your state as the receiving state. If the users did not enter the date, the placement will not be counted in the report.
  4. Placements Out - This is calculated based on the Placement Made On date entered by the user on the case details screen during the month for your state as the sending state. If the users did not enter the date, the placement will not be counted in the report.
  5. Private Adoptions In – The number of Regulation 12 Home Studies received in your state during the month.
  6. Private Adoptions Out - The number of Regulation 12 Home Studies that are sent from your state during the month.
  7. Residential Request In - The number of Regulation 4 Home Studies that received in your state during the month.
  8. Residential Request Out - The number of Regulation 4 Home Studies that are sent from your state during the month. 


Output Structure of the Report

  • Home Studies Requests in
  • Home Studies Requests out
  • Placements In
  • Placements Out
  • Private Adoptions In
  • Private Adoptions Out
  • Residential Request In
  • Residential Request Out