Below is the list of Issues that were reported to Tetrus that have been addressed in this Release version. These updates pertain only to the CMS and MCMS systems.


  • NEIC2-3444 – The NEICE M/CMS system speed and performance will now be improved and enhanced in the following areas:
    • Home Search
    • Case Search
    • Child Search
    • My Cases
    • Case Wizard
    • Case Management Screens

Home Search

  • NEIC2-3831 – The system will now display the search results when users search by child name, childid, Neiceid or placement resource name or placement resource id from the home search.

Case Management

  • NEIC2-3560 – The system will now enable the search button in the Placement Resource Details section when the Receiving State of the case is changed in the case details page.
  • NEIC2-3774 – The system will now allow the users to enter and save the financial planning and responsible planning information for a child from the Home Study Request tab.


  • NEIC2-3838 – The system will now allow users to view all the notifications from the agency they belong to when selected All in the Notifications For dropdown.
  • NEIC2-3001-The system will now default the logged in user in the Notifications For dropdown.


  • NEIC2-3769 – The Request Sent to Agencies by ICPC Central Office Report will now only display the cases for the selected agency.


  • NEIC2-3726 (Limited to cases received from NCH Direct connect states)- The system will now display transmittal without cutting off the words.


  • NEICE2-3737—The system will now display a column labeled "Other State" on the Alerts screen.
  • NEICE2-3775 - The system will now display the records when specific filters are selected on the Alerts screen.


  • NEIC2-3825 – The address of Virginia ICPC Central (DSS) is updated and the phone number of CA Alameda County ICPC is updated.

Message Retriever

  • NEIC2-3827 – The system will now calculate the Compliance date in the sending state based on the Homestudy Request Accepted for Processing in the Receiving state.

XML Generation

  • NEIC2-3834 – The XML will now populate the Transgender from Male to Female (MTF) for the child gender when selected in NEICE M/CMS.
  • NEIC2-3902 – The XML will now populate the Supervisory Service and Supervisory Reports Other and Other text value when selected in NEICE M/CMS.