Attached to this page are the following technical resources:
- NEICE Clearinghouse 2.0 - Interface Mapping Document v1.5
- NEICE Clearinghouse 2.0 - Interface Mapping Document_ChangeLog_v1.5
- NEICE 2.0 IEPD using NIEM 4.0 standards V3.4 (rename file as .zip document and it will work)
- NEICE 2.0 Clearinghouse Interface Specification_V1.3
- NEICEClearingHouse.wsdl
- Information about utilizing NIEM to implement your state's connection to NEICE
- NEICE2_MCMS_Report_Requirements_V1.0.pdf
- NEICE_DataMigrationStepsfromMCMStoNEICEClearinghouse_V1.0.pdf (States who are migrating from M/CMS to NEICE Clearinghouse)
- NCH2_Onboarding_Validation_1.4.xlsx