Purpose: This job aid will familiarize users with the data and capabilities available to the logged-in user.


The user can access Dashboard any time via the NEICE Icon or the Dashboard icon on the menu.   


Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated


I. The Dashboard screen consists of the following:


  1. Recent Notifications & Alerts are shown at the top right corner of the screen next to the user profile.
  2. Dashboard Default display- Shown under the username in the top right of the screen. Users can toggle between Show All Cases and Show My Cases by clicking on the link.


  • When the user logged in has the Assignment Coordinator as a secondary role to the primary role of a Case Worker or an ICPC Coordinator, the Dashboard is defaulted to Show All cases. 
  • When the user logged in has a primary role of either an ICPC Coordinator or Case Worker, the Dashboard is defaulted to Show My cases. 


Show My Cases:

Displays data to show only cases assigned to the logged-in user.

Show All Cases:

Displays data to show all cases where the logged-in user agency has access to.


        3. Overview (along the top of the screen) includes:        

  • Number of ACTIVE CASES TO DATE -Displays all the active cases (includes only Pending, Active and Receiving Case Status)
  • Number of TOTAL CASES - Displays all cases including closed cases.
    • DUE (green)
    • PENDING (yellow)
    • OVERDUE (red)
    • DUE (green)
    • PENDING (yellow)
    • OVERDUE (red) 

4. Incoming/Outgoing Home Study (graphs are located in the middle of the screen). 


The graphs show the following data for Incoming and Outgoing Home Study:

  • Review Pending
  • HS Pending
  • Approved
  • Placed


Users can hover over the bars to view the exact number for each Regulation Type and click to view the complete list of cases. The lists can be filtered, sorted and exported to Excel. Clicking on the M/CMS Case ID will navigate the users to the Case Details page of the respective case in a new tab. 


The regulations are all color coded on the dashboard: 

  • Regulation 1 is dark blue
  • Regulation 2 is medium blue
  • Regulation 4 is light blue 
  • Regulation 7 is yellow
  • Regulation 12 is red


5. Case Summary is located at the bottom of the screen. 


II. Data Details and Criteria:


1. Incoming Compliance Deadline

  • Due: Lists all cases with pending home studies and the Preliminary home study evaluation has not been sent to the Sending State of the case; with the below criteria depending on the regulation type:
    • Regulation 1: All cases where the compliance date is less than equal to 10 days from current date
    • Regulation 2: All cases where the compliance date is less than equal to 10 days from current date.
    • Regulation 4: All cases where the compliance date is less than equal to 1 day from current date.
    • Regulation 7: All cases where the compliance date is less than equal to 10 days from current date.
    • Regulation 12: All cases where the compliance date is less than equal to 1 day from current date.

Acting on a case that is Due - For example, if today is the 50th day from receipt of a Reg 2 Home Study Request, the Home Study Response would show as Due. This means the user should act or the state will be in violation in ten days. If not resolved, cases will remain due and become overdue on the 60th day.  Cases will remain until the Home Study Sent on Date is entered or the request is withdrawn and the case closed.

  • Pending: Lists all cases with pending home studies and the Preliminary home study evaluation has not been sent to the Sending state of the case.
  • Overdue:Lists all cases with pending home studies and the Preliminary home study evaluation has not been sent to the Sending state of the case; with the below criteria depending on the regulation type:
    • Regulation 1: All cases where the compliance date is less than the current date.
    • Regulation 2: All cases where the compliance date is less than the current date.
    • Regulation 4: All cases where the compliance date is less than the current date.
    • Regulation 7: All cases where the compliance date is less than the current date.
    • Regulation 12: All cases where the compliance date is less than the current date.


2. Outgoing Compliance Deadline

  • Due: Lists all cases with pending home studies and the Preliminary home study evaluation has not been received from the Receiving state of the case; with the below criteria depending on the regulation type:
    • Regulation 1: All cases where the compliance date is less than equal to 10 days from current date.
    • Regulation 2: All cases where the compliance date is less than equal to 10 days from current date.
    • Regulation 4: Not Applicable
    • Regulation 7: All cases where the compliance date is less than equal to 10 days from current date.
    • Regulation 12: Not Applicable
  • Pending: Lists all cases with pending home studies and the Preliminary home study evaluation has not been received from the Receiving state of the case.
  • Overdue: Lists all cases with pending home studies and the Preliminary home study evaluation has not been received from the Receiving state of the case; with the below criteria depending on the regulation type:
  • Regulation 1: All cases where the compliance date is less than the current date.
  • Regulation 2: All cases where the compliance date is less than the current date.
  • Regulation 4: Not Applicable
  • Regulation 7: All cases where the compliance date is less than the current date.
  • Regulation 12: Not Applicable


3. Incoming Home Study

  • Review Pending – Displays the case count that are received in the state ICPC office from the local agencies with the Home Study completed and has not been sent to the Sending state.
  • Pending – Displays the case count where the HS Decision is Pending.
  • Approved – Displays the case count with Home Study Decision as Approved and the Home Study Response is sent to the Sending State.
  • Placed – Displays the cases where all the children in a case are placed. A 100B - Initial Placement should be received from the Sending state and Placement End Date is not entered.

Note: If there are multiple children, the case is displayed only when all the children are placed in the case.


4. Outgoing Home Study

  • Review Pending – Displays the case count that are received in the state ICPC office from the local agencies and are sent to the Receiving state.
  • Pending – Displays the case count where the HS Decision is Pending, and the case has been sent to the Receiving state.
  • Approved – Displays the case count with Home Study Decision as Approved.
  • Placed – Displays the cases where all the children in a case are placed. A 100B - Initial Placement is sent to the Receiving state and Placement End Date is not entered.

Note: If there are multiple children, the case is displayed only when all the children are placed in the case.


5. Case Summary


Displays the case loads of all the users in the logged-in user agency. Each user in the agency has a separate bar and displays the case count of all the cases assigned to the user. 


An unassigned bar displays all the cases in the agency that are unassigned to the users. Users can Zoom in and out by scrolling inside the Case Summary section. 


6. Notification and Alerts


Displays the recent 10 Notifications and Alerts of the logged in user. Notifications are either Messages from an agency within your state or Notifications that another state has sent you a Transmittal to your agency or an intrastate transmittal within your state. Alerts are reminders that include safe and timely and 100A expiration reminders.