NEICE supports both Public and Private cases. 

  • Public cases are when the child’s placement is the states’ responsibility. Most cases in NEICE are public; many of them originate with children from a Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System (SACWIS). 
  • Private cases are mostly Regulation 12 Agency and Independent Adoptions and Regulation 4 Family placements. Some Regulation 1 cases may be Private as well.  


Who can access a private case?


There are two conditions related to accessing a private case: 

  1. State Admin designates users who may access a private case
  2. The case must be designated as a private case


Only authorized staff may have access to a private case. States should identify which users they want to access private cases and record that information in the user Profile. Each NEICE user has a Profile, containing information describing agency, roles, and access. The State Admin has access to the security portion of the user Profile. In the security portion, the State Admin can allow the user to view and select Public or Private cases. If neither is selected, or the state Admin selects Public the user can only view Public cases. 

In order for a user to access a Private case, the State Admin must select Private in the Profile. This is an internal security measure and is not displayed in the Profile users can view in NEICE.


In Summary, to access a Private case, the Private case should be marked as Private by the state during case creation, and the user must be assigned access to Private cases by the State Admin.  


NEICE will enforce Private case access in the following areas:


  • Case Access Control
  • Search (Includes Global Search, Case Search, Child and PR Search)
  • Case Notifications
  • Associated Case tab
  • My Cases


If a user is not identified as a Private authorized user by the State Admin, the user can still be assigned to the case by the Assignment Coordinator using the Access tab. Once assigned to the specific Private case, the user will receive Notifications and be able to access the Private case only.