Summary: This job aid guides ICPC Coordinators and Case Workers on the functionality where the 100A is auto populated with the Planning and Financial Responsibility information from the Child Information.


ICPC coordinators or Case Workers perform the following actions to auto populate information to the 100A

  1. Login to NEICE application as the ICPC coordinator or Case Worker.
  2. From the left side navigation menu, click on Manage -> Child 
  3. From the Search screen, search for the child record with any search criteria.
  4. From the search results, select the desired child record by clicking on the Child ID.


A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated with medium confidence


  1. On the Child Information screen, notice that there are additional fields added for “Agency or Person Responsible for Planning for Child” and “Agency or Person Financially Responsible For Child”

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated with low confidence



  1. Click on the arrow (>) next to each tab to View/ Edit the information.
  2. Select/ Enter information as required in the below screen for Agency or Person responsible for Planning and Financially Responsible For Child


  1. Default to Sending ICPC Agency: Selecting this option will default the responsible agency to “Sending state ICPC Agency” and auto populate the agency information on the 100A document.


  1. Default to Receiving ICPC Agency: Selecting this option will default the responsible agency to “Receiving state ICPC Agency” and auto populate the agency information on the 100A document.


  1. Organization: Selecting this option will present you with the fields to enter information for Agency Name, Phone, Email Address, Address Line2, City, State and Zip Code


  1. Individual: Selecting this option will present you with the fields to enter information for First Name, Last Name, Phone, Email Address, Address Line2, City, State and Zip Code


Note: The Agency or Person Responsible for planning for child and Agency or Person Financially Responsible for child are not mandatory in the Child screen.  


Auto population of Planning and Financial Responsibility information in Case Wizard and Case Management


When a Case Worker or ICPC Coordinator is creating a new “Sending Case” or “Receiving Case” using the Sending Case Wizard or the Receiving Case Wizard, below points are to be noted:


  1. If the child being used in the case already exists in NEICE and if the information for Planning and Financial Responsibility is already entered/ available under Manage-Child, the same data will be populated under Child Information of the Sending Case Wizard/ Receiving Case Wizard (if child was created/cloned by the logged in user state)


  1. 100A screen of the wizard is also auto populated with the Planning and Financial Responsibility information if available. The only exception is if the Responsible agency is chosen as “Default to Sending Agency” or “Default to Receiving Agency” and if there are multiple sending or Receiving agencies, the fields will appear blank, and the user needs to select the information in 100A.


  1. If the user updates the information for Planning and Financial Responsibility from the wizard, the same gets updated under Manage –> Child for all future references and cases.


  1. If the user updates Planning and Financial responsibility information from “Case Management” after the case has been created, the updated information will reflect under Manage – Child for all future references and cases.