Summary: This job aid guides ICPC Coordinators to identify duplicate child records and merge them.


ICPC coordinators shall perform the following actions to identify duplicate children records and merge them into a single child record in NEICE.


  1. Login to NEICE M/CMS as the ICPC Coordinator.
  2. From the left side navigation menu, click on Manage -> Child 
  3. From the Search screen, search for the duplicate child record with any search criteria.
  4. From the search results, identify the duplicate child records. Select the two records by checking the checkboxes next to the M/CMS Child ID.
  5. Once selected, click on Actions drop down and select the “Merge” option.

Note: You can only select up to 2 child records to merge at a time


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  1. You will now be presented with the “Merge Children” screen where both child records are displayed side by side. 
  2. Each child window has an option with a checkbox to mark the child as primary. 
  3. Identify the Primary child and click the  “Mark as Primary” check box for that child record.

Note: “Primary Child” is the child record that you are planning to keep and merge the duplicate record into. “Merged Child” is the child record that will be merged into the Primary Child’s record.”

  1. The selected primary child record will now be enabled for editing. 
  1. Make any necessary changes to the primary child information (Child Demographics, Child Alias, Parent Information, Child Jurisdiction, Agency or Person Responsible for Planning of the child, Agency or Person Financially responsible for the child, Additional Details) as required and click on “Merge Children.”


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  1. A pop-up message saying “Child Merged Successfully” is displayed and in the search results, only the primary child record is displayed. Merged child record will not be displayed anymore.


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  1. For Non-Participating children (Receiving children), ICPC coordinators can only merge the receiving child records that were created by their own state.



Notes on Merge Children Functionality:


  1. Once the children have been merged, all cases related to the merged child will have the “Primary Child” name displayed within the cases. Merged child names will not be displayed.


  1. When a case related to the “Merged Child” is accessed, a message regarding the child merger is displayed within the case. (Example:        “The child James Jackson (50524) has been merged with child Blake Johnson (88523)”



  1. Once the selected child records are merged, the action cannot be undone.


  1. Case Workers do not have the access to perform a merge operation.