The purpose of this job aid is to provide steps to view the tasks assigned to the logged in (ICPC coordinator/ Caseworker)
To view the tasks assigned to the logged in user:
Login to NEICE application as a Caseworker/ ICPC Coordinator.
Navigate to the Actions menu on the left side and click on “My Cases/ Tasks”
Click on “My Tasks” tab next to My Cases
You will be able to see all the Pending/ Overdue tasks that are assigned to you with the information below and are sorted in the ascending order of the due date for completion. (First approaching date displayed first)
M/CMS Case ID/Created On
Interstate Case ID
Sending State
Receiving State
Regulation Type /Placement Type
Task Type
Task Detail
Due Date
Children in Case
Filters and Export options
To view only the case tasks that are overdue, check the “Overdue” box. This will filter and display all the overdue tasks.
To apply filters on all columns, click on the toggle button “Show Filters” to filter on any of the columns.
To export these records to a csv file, select the records you want to be exported and click on Actions-> Export to CSV.
To export all records, click on Actions-> Export to CSV without selecting any record.