The purpose of this job aid is to provide an overview of how the Supervision (Report) Due case tasks are created and completed by the ICPC Coordinator for electronic and non-electronic cases on Sending and Receiving state sides. 

ICPC Regulation Resource: Regulation 11 (7). The Child Welfare Caseworker assigned to supervise a child placed in the receiving state shall complete a written supervision report at least once every ninety (90) days following the date of the receipt of the form 100B by the receiving state’s central compact office notifying the receiving state of the receiving state of the child’s placement in the receiving state.  

Supervision Details Section:

Supervision Details section has been added to the Case Details screen with the fields below 

  • Supervision Report Requested

  • Supervision Begin

  • Supervision End 

  • Next Supervision Due 

Supervision Details Section Auto-Population:

Electronic Cases:

  • Supervision Report Requested, Supervision Begin Date, Next Supervision Due Date: Are auto-populated when Placement Decision transmittal is sent/received with 100B-Initial enclosed. In situations where a child is placed and the 100B has not yet been received, the begin date can be manually entered. 

  • Supervision End Date: is auto-populated when Placement Decision transmittal is sent/received with 100B-Closure document enclosed.

Non-Electronic Cases:

Cases sent to Non-Participating States:

  • Supervision Report Requested, Supervision Begin Date, Next Supervision Due Date: Auto-populated when Placement Initial transmittal is sent.

  • Supervision End Date: Auto-populated when Placement Closure transmittal is sent.

 Cases sent to a Participating State

  • Supervision Report Requested, Supervision Begin Date, Next Supervision Due Date are auto populated when Placement Initial 100B document (in 'Attached' status).

  • Supervision End Date is auto populated when Placement Closure 100B document (in 'Attached' status).

Note: Next Supervision Due Date cannot be earlier than Supervision Begin Date or later than Supervision End Date.

Supervision Due First Task Creation

For the First Case task creation, 

The frequency for Supervision Report Requested (Semi-Annually, Quarterly, Monthly or Other) is auto-populated from the 100A- initial form. If the case has multiple children, the minimum of the values is considered.

Supervision Begin Date is auto-populated from the First 100B - Initial form that was created/ uploaded. 

  • For multiple 100B Initial documents uploaded before the case task creation, the Placement Made On date from the latest 100B attached document will be considered. 

  • For cases with multiple children, with multiple 100B initial documents, the minimum of the Placement made on date on the latest 100B document in attached status will be considered.

  • Once the case task is created, this date will not be updated by the system. However, the user can manually update this date.

Next Supervision Due Date is auto populated based on Placement Made On Date and supervision frequency.

  • For multiple children, it uses the earliest Placement Made On and frequency.

  • The First Supervision Due Case Task is created once placement decision with 100A-Initial enclosed is sent/ received, with the due date set to Placement Made On date + frequency.

  • Monthly: 30 days from Placement Made On date.

  • Quarterly: 90 days from Placement Made On date.

  • Semi-Annually: 180 days from Placement Made On date.

  • Other: Manually entered by the ICPC Coordinator.

The supervision date will not be calculated if supervision frequency is not selected (This might happen in regulation 4 cases, where supervision frequency is not mandatory in 100A document).

Subsequent Tasks

  • Once the first task is completed/overdue, the next due date is calculated, and a new task is created.

  • If the due date passes and the previous task is not completed, a new task is created with updated details.

  • Once the first task is created, any updates to Supervision Report Requested, Supervision Begin Date and Next Supervision Due Date must be manually updated by the user.

  • Manual updates to Begin Date or Placement Decision do not affect existing tasks.

  • A new task will be created if the supervision start date is on or before the current date, and no task has been created yet. If a task already exists, the due date of the existing task will be updated instead.

Task Completion:

The Supervision Due Date task must be manually completed by the ICPC Coordinator via the "Complete" button in the Tasks tab.