The purpose of this job aid is to provide an overview of how a 100A Expiration Due task is created and completed by the NEICE system for electronic and non-electronic cases on Sending and Receiving state sides.

100A Expiration Due Task Creation

Electronic Case:  

  • On the Sending State side, a case task for the 100A Expiration Due will be created for cases with HS Decision as “Approved” once a Home Study Response transmittal is received.

  • On the Receiving State side, the case task for 100A Expiration Due will not be created as it is only relevant to the sending state.

Non-Electronic Case:

  • Case sent to a Non-Participating State: Case Task for 100A Expiration due will be created when a 100A-Completed document is uploaded in “Attached” status.

  • Case sent to a Participating State: 100A Expiration Due task will not be created as it is only relevant to the sending state.

Home Study Due Case Task Due Date Calculation based on regulation type

For Regulation 2, Regulation 7 and Regulation 12 

  • On the sending state side, the case task for 100A expiration will be created once a Home Study Response is received as “Approved” from the Receiving state and the due date for the task will be calculated as100A Response Received Date +180 Calendar Days. 

  • The task will be marked as completed once a 100B - Initial Placement is sent to the Receiving state.

  • For a Receiving state the case task for 100A expiration will not be created.

 Regulation 4

  • On the Sending state side, the case task for 100A expiration will be created once a Home Study Response is received from the Receiving state. The due date for this task will be calculated as 100A Response Received Date +30 Calendar Days. 

  • The task will be marked as completed once a 100B - Initial Placement is sent to the Receiving state.

  • For a Receiving state the case task for 100A expiration will not be created.


  • If the 100A expiration date is updated manually on Reg 4 cases, system will consider this as the Due Date.